After reflecting upon  all the activities done during the first mobility and the online meetings carried out with all the partners, we prepared all the necessary reports, videos and activities for the following mobility in Erice (Sicily).

We were very excited  about working with our partners again and getting to know the school, teachers, other staff and students in Pagoto School. 
During that week, we enjoyed meeting teachers, students´ activities and performances related to Cyberbullying.  The highlight of the school was de STEAM Lab., where all the partners learnt about several programmes, devices, 3D printing with the help of students and the lab. coordinator. 
We were enriched by the big number of cultural activities planned such as, Erice and the wonderful lunch at the Instituto Instruzione Superiore "I.e V. Florio" in Palazzo Sales; a guided  visit to Trapani and the Pepoli Museum and a trip to Salemi where we tasted typical pastries. Last day, we visited Capela Palatina, Cathedral and Maximo Theatre, in Palermo.  We were so pleased with the hospitality and dedication of all the Italian Team and school community that made this mobility and unforgetable experience for all the partners.   

This trip was the second big step in our project. We came back home with a big motivation and a lot of ideas in our minds to be shared with our Spanish students, our collegues, families... From that moment, we all started to work in our school focusing on the next meeting in Finland. 


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