As Turkish team, we have attended our first LTTA in Ceip el Peral / Valladolid / Spain for our Erasmus+ Project “Learn E-Safety and be safe in the Digital World” (LESADIWO) Project No: 2021-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-000032341 between 20 – 24 November,2022. After a long trip, we have met face to face with our ‘online’ friends. After a warm welcome, we visited the classes, met brilliant students and their presentations on e-safety and cyberbullying. We have presented our school, city and country by the videos that we have prepared. We have joined many workshops with our partners and the students. Besides the activities held at school we had opportunuties to visit museums, cultural visits to Simanca, La Casa de Cervantes and so on. The Youth Department of the Valladolid City Council accepted us and gave us brief information what they do about e-safety. Since the Christmas was close, the city was full of lights and to walk in the ligtened streets was wonderful. The last day of th...
After reflecting upon all the activities done during the first mobility and the online meetings carried out with all the partners, we prepared all the necessary reports, videos and activities for the following mobility in Erice (Sicily). We were very excited about working with our partners again and getting to know the school, teachers, other staff and students in Pagoto School. During that week, we enjoyed meeting teachers, students´ activities and performances related to Cyberbullying. The highlight of the school was de STEAM Lab., where all the partners learnt about several programmes, devices, 3D printing with the help of students and the lab. coordinator. We were enriched by the big number of cultural activities planned such as, Erice and the wonderful lunch at the Instituto Instruzione Superiore "I.e V. Florio" in Palazzo Sales; a guided visit to Trapani and the Pepoli Museum and a trip to Salemi where we tasted typical pastries. Last day...
Advances in science have made technology an integral part of everyone's lives, making it essential for future generations to possess digital competencies. Teachers must possess information, data, and ICT skills to effectively use technology. This project aims to create a safe internet environment for students and improve digital literacy. It also aims to increase children's awareness of online activities, improve education quality, foster collaboration, and enhance professional and personal development. The project also aims to develop ICT techniques for teachers to learn digital citizenship and literacy skills. Additionally, it ensures the use of information technology tools in school administrators to facilitate administrative work and make it more efficient.
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