On 21.11.2022, the first LTTA meeting began in Valladolid, Spain.

For 5 days, all the project partners met and together participated in various activities aimed to pass on the message of what the E-safety project is for, with one of the main target groups, the students.

The CIEP El Peral school, coordinator of this project, prepared an excellent LTTA with numerous workshops on various topics, such as the presentation on Cyber Bullying made by the Finnish partner as well as internet security, carried out by the local police through a presentation made for the students, both activities had the opportunity to be featured in the local news, which provided this project with a wide spread in terms of dissemination.

The Finnish partner also had the opportunity to present a learning resource tool, The Language Menu website for teachers, explaining to everyone present how it works and what they can do with all these tools available completely free of charge.
The main target group of this project had the opportunity to know, participate and ask all the questions they wanted and obtained all the necessary answers of their doubts and curiosities, a radio program was made, on the pod-cast channel available at the school, where some of the students asked questions of the project partners and were able to provide a moment for satisfying their curiosities about the project partners in a fun way. They also had the opportunity to show all the project partners their work done for this project, in an extraordinary way and we are certain, all the partners will remember the efforts made by the students forever.

The ceremony for delivering the certificates of this LTTA was something indescribable with words, all the students of the CIEP el Peral school gathered outside with flags symbolizing each of the countries present – Turkey, Italy, Spain and Finland and the anthems of each country were played.

The event will be remembered for the hard work that all the students put in for weeks to create this ceremony and for the contagious joy with what they did! It was, without a doubt, a complete LTTA and full of initiatives that only prove that all the work done in the E-Safety project was passed on to everyone in a totally innovative way and also that how important the creation of these kinds of Erasmus + projects are for the participants, especially the children and other participants.


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