As Turkish team, we have attended our first LTTA in Ceip el Peral / Valladolid / Spain for our Erasmus+ Project “Learn E-Safety and be safe in the Digital World” (LESADIWO) Project No: 2021-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-000032341 between 20 – 24 November,2022. After a long trip, we have met face to face with our ‘online’ friends. After a warm welcome, we visited the classes, met brilliant students and their presentations on e-safety and cyberbullying. We have presented our school, city and country by the videos that we have prepared. We have joined many workshops with our partners and the students. Besides the activities held at school we had opportunuties to visit museums, cultural visits to Simanca, La Casa de Cervantes and so on. The Youth Department of the Valladolid City Council accepted us and gave us brief information what they do about e-safety. Since the Christmas was close, the city was full of lights and to walk in the ligtened streets was wonderful. The last day of th...
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